Parenting Coach

Helping parents and children to reclaim
their inborn ease, joy and power.

Connection-based, Respectful and Trauma-informed approach
to raising children from infancy through adulthood

Parenthood is an invitation to a quest
into the wild frontier of your own being.
An adventure of intense self-discovery,
as harrowing as it is joyful,
and as exhausting it is enlightening.
A true rite of initiation.

Here you will discover:

  • How to shift dysfunctional patterns and challenging behaviours.

  • How anger, rage and aggression arise in parental relationships.

  • The value of conflict with your child even while working to solve it.

  • How to navigate the grief that accompany your child's many life changes.

  • To confront, prevent and dispel the energy of childhood wounds.

  • To recognising when we are resisting inconvenient or uncomfortable truths.

  • How much of healthy parenting requires surrendering old paradigms of control and power over.

  • How to reconnect with your deepest instincts and wisdom.